Sunday, July 30, 2006

Silence Alarm

The slience of books,

With whisper of words.

Ring the alarm of red alert,

No shock of despair.

Knowing trick of the child,

Plays a prank of mischievous.

Down rolling the metal gate,

Separate two worlds apart.

With small holes by the mole,

Links the two worlds together.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


In the screaming wind,

Lies within the hated of the revenge.

In the thunderous roar,

Strike a lightning like pointed dagger.

In the mist of darkness,

Lost like a ship in bermuda triangle.

In the sparkling waterfall,

Tears flow like disasterous flood.

In the sense of betrayal,

Believe no one beside the wall.

Who to trust and who to believe,

where everyone's word is a secret.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Lonely music

Musical travels into my heart,

Lonely grows like a tumor.

Kill me slowly like a knife stabbing,

In the thousand slice of the exortic night.

Lost in the sea of ending love,

Where hands disappered in the white light.

Graving for the thirst of love,

Waiting for one in the age of no return.

Who is the one in the shining armour,

That stands in the white light.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Gundam Seed

Gundam seed is the anime which i really really like.
The story is about politics, relationship, war, love, happiness and sadness.
I love Lacus and Kira, these two characters.


The romantic light shine upon the tears of my beloved.
With the following shadow in your ups and downs.
Remember your laughter is the only way,
To take away the portion of the sadness.
The surprise you leave in the pigeon hole,
Makes me curious everyday in my life.
This curiousity opens up the door,
Of this tiny little heart which has sealed up in thousand years