Thursday, December 09, 2004

Company small event in the canteen

Wow......finally it was thursday...... One more day and it was going to be weekend. Yeah.....

Time does fly.....Now it was going to be the end of the year and Christmas is coming soon.

Time to party and have fun. My company has a small event which was called the SHE Quiz.

There would be high tea buffet and that was what my colleague and i went there to watch.

It was a bit bore but it was still all right overall.

Most of all, the food tasted good and i brought some back for my colleague and supervisor to eat.

I didn't want to think about next week because the whole week had classes everyday.

That was so tiring.

An intersting thing is a photo of me and my colleague in the intranet.

A person, me, who like to keep low profile did not like my photograph on the headline.

It was so obvious for everyone to see...

Very angry.....very angry..... :P :P :P


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